
Adventurers Wanted - A Fantasy RPG adventure

Created by New Comet Games

A Black Ridge Island Fantasy Adventure for 5E or OSR rules.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Adventurers Wanted -- Shipping Complete!
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 12:49:33 PM

We just wanted to drop one final note to let everyone know that the last of the books went out today. Everyone should have received a shipping tracking number unless you are in Australia, Canada or Europe. If you are not in those countries and did not receive confirmation of shipping, please let us know and we can get you that information.

Some of you have already received your books and we thank you for the compliments about it. We are very proud of the adventure. We hope you enjoy it. 

For those in Australia, Canada and Europe, the packages have been shipped to our distributors there and they will turn them around to you as soon as they get them. 

Thank you all for being such great backers. Until next time. 

Keep on Gaming --Ben

Adventurers Wanted: The Books are IN!!!
7 months ago – Sat, Feb 03, 2024 at 10:49:52 AM

We received all the printed books today and we could not be happier. They look fantastic. The premium versions are very sweet. We hope you love them as much as we do.

I have locked address with a final notice. But we will begin shipping as soon as we get all the books sorted in 2-3 hours. If you need to change your address you still can up till we get to your name and we will then lock your address and package your rewards. So if you have a change that is needed, do it right away.

There are still a half dozen or so who have not completed your survey's. Especially those from Europe and Canada. Once we ship those to our distributors, you will be responsible for any VAT and import taxes your country levies. This is your last chance to get these done. 

We expect to have all shipping done by early next week. 

Thank you again for all your support and Keep on Gaming. --Ben

Adventurers Wanted: PDFs Available for Download
7 months ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 09:14:13 PM

Everyone that has completed their Backerkit surveys should be able to go back into Backerkit and download the appropriate PDF. If you are having any issues with that, please let us know and we can assist with the process.

We also received word today that the book printing is complete, and were shipped today. We should receive them next week. 

Thank you all for being such great backers and we are proud to complete another Kickstarter on time. 

Until next time, keep on Gaming... 


Adventurers Wanted: Locking Backerkit
7 months ago – Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 07:21:03 PM

We wanted to thank everyone for their quick responses on Backerkit. There are only a few left that have not completed it. If you have not, especially those from Canada, Europe or Australia, please do so immediately. 

We are expecting to receive the books next week around Feb 6th-7th. Failure to complete your Backerkit survey by then means you will miss out on the group shipping and will have to deal with whatever VAT or import taxes your government puts on you. 

We want to get things locked down by Tuesday so people can begin to download their PDFs for the adventure. Thank you so much for your support and look for our next Kickstarter soon.


Adventurers Wanted: Backerkit about to go Live!
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 07:49:42 AM

Our Backerkit campaign is about to go live. We should be launching the smoke test today. If you get an invite for this, please complete it as soon as possible so we can get everyone going. 

The books have been completed and are at the printers now. We did order 4 extra each of the Premium books. So if you wanted to add on one you can. But they are very limited. Only 30 of the OSR books and 25 of the 5E premium books were printed and will be numbered accordingly. 

Have a great day. -- Ben